Summer is here and your kids are ready for a break, but it’s also a critical time to keep up their reading. Luckily, we’ve got some kid-tested, teacher-approved learning activities for you to try!
Fun summer activities to keep kids reading every day

From nature walks to stargazing, summertime offers endless opportunities for hands-on exploring and learning. And, there’s certainly nothing better—or more important—than getting lost in a good book!
A decline in reading ability, known as “summer slide,” is a real risk for kids. Here are some fun ideas for ways to keep your kids reading all summer long.
Summer reading ideas for kids
Choose a "just right" book
To help your kids find great books to read this summer, explore BrainPOP’s Famous
Authors and Books and/or BrainPOP Jr.’s Authors unit. Our short animated movies give a peek inside the writer’s life and ignites excitement about their work.
After learning, take a trip to the library to look for their name and explore their books!

Improve kids' reading skills by playing word games
If you’ve got a reluctant reader, learning games are a great and easy way to get your child to read. From game cards to instructions, reading is key to playing.
Designate a family game night each week to play your kid's favorite word game. Wordplay games like Boggle and Scrabble are good choices for literally getting kids to play with their words! Try out one of BrainPOP’s literary games to see for yourself.

Sort current and historical women according to different categories.
World-Changing Women

Reading aloud is not only a great way to spend quality time with your kid, it's also a chance for you to model fluent reading and expand your child’s vocabulary by pausing to discuss challenging words. As you read, pause occasionally to check for understanding and comprehension by asking questions about the story.
Studies find that reading aloud is one of the greatest predictors of reading success—even with older kids!
Read books to your kids aloud throughout the summer
Home learning activities
Practice reading skills with your child by keeping up with current events

Books are just one way to get in summer reading—don’t forget about newspapers and magazines! Keeping up with current events allows kids to practice essential literacy skills and discover new vocabulary.
Get started by watching BrainPOP’s Reading a Newspaper movie. Try to read one to two news stories each day with your child and discuss what they’re about.

Feeling inspired by those current events? Encourage your child and their friends to produce a neighborhood newspaper featuring reviews of local businesses, interviews with neighbors, news stories, crossword puzzles, and more.
For help with interviewing, have them watch BrainPOP’s Conduct an Interview movie.
Bonus idea: Encourage your kid to start their own newspaper

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