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As money becomes more digital and abstract, it may be hard for young kids to understand how it really comes and goes. However, introducing financial literacy to kids early can help them develop good money management habits and attitudes that will serve them well throughout their lives. With the help of BrainPOP Jr., these lessons can start at a young age!

3 Reasons to Teach Kids About Money
and Financial Literacy Early


Annie and Moby sit on the floor with a piggy bank

Financial literacy skills last a lifetime. Start learning with BrainPOP Jr. and get two weeks free!

In order to access BrainPOP Jr.'s movies, games, and quizzes, you’ll need to create an account. Try it for free with a two-week trial!


Money is an excellent tool for teaching children important math skills, by providing tangible ways for them to practice addition, subtraction, counting by tens, and more. BrainPOP Jr. not only has engaging math topics to get the learning started, but money topics ranging from dollars and cents to counting coins to saving and spending

1. Kids practice important math skills


If you’ve ever found yourself asking your child “do you think money grows on trees?”
this part might be for you…


Teaching kids the difference between needs and wants can go a long way when building
financial literacy skills and help them become more independent and self-sufficient.
In BrainPOP Jr., we break it down in a fun, easily digestible way for kids in grades K-3 to understand.


Plus, they’ll have fun telling Moby the robot that buying a pony is probably
not the best way to spend money.

2. Kids will develop money management skills 


Kids who learn how to manage money early on are more likely to make wise financial decisions as they grow up. There are many ways to put these lessons into action!

3. Prepare your kids for the future

How to help your young kids practice financial literacy at home


Every BrainPOP Jr. movie comes with interactive games and quizzes (and more with our Homeschool plans) to reinforce learning and build background knowledge on money and finances.

Play financial
literacy games

If it makes sense for your family, introducing an allowance is one way to
show kids how they can earn money or practice responsibility. Other options include: doing yard work for neighbors, setting up a lemonade stand, or
taking care of someone’s pet. 

an allowance

Shopping together is a great way for kids to understand the value of
common items and determine wants vs. needs to help them make smart financial choices.

Go grocery shopping
as a family

The key to budgeting is setting realistic goals and sticking to them. Does your kid want to save up for
something special? Help them compare costs, track their savings, and spend wisely–and yes, we have a lesson for that!

Set money goals with your kids


Helping kids build a strong foundation of financial literacy skills doesn’t have to be intimidating. In fact, it can be fun! When kids have a better understanding of how money works and the value behind it, they're going to see more than a swipe of a plastic card the next time you check out at a register.


This article was written by Jordan Bremus-Wyles, social media manager and parent of two.

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