Build background knowledge
and vocabulary in every classroom to strengthen essential literacy skills

Ensure and track student growth
toward grade-level skill proficiency with access to actionable data.

Support teachers
and expand
educator capacity
to facilitate effective literacy instruction across all subject areas.
Skill-building at the heart of every topic
With every BrainPOP learning experience, students are building the key literacy skills that are essential to meeting your state's educational standards.
Build key background knowledge while developing literacy skills to increase comprehension, vocabulary, and engagement.
Movies with pause points

Deepen the development of literacy skills through standards-aligned application and practice opportunities that help meet the needs of all learners.
Enhanced learning activities to build vocabulary and comprehension

Power up any subject with these essential language and literacy skills
With every BrainPOP learning experience, students are building the key literacy skills that are essential to meeting your state's standards.
Writing Skills
Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research

Reading Comprehension
Make logical inferences from explicit details; cite specific evidence to support conclusions drawn

Determine central ideas and summarize the key supporting details and ideas

Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text

Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media formats

Language Arts
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words by using context clues and analyzing meaningful word parts

Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings

Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases

"I love how BrainPOP can be easily used across all content areas to help students master complex concepts. BrainPOP allows teachers to differentiate lessons easily. It is also a great way to provide alternative assessment methods."
Theresa Ronco
Special Education Teacher
Edison Township Public Schools
"If I had to choose only one digital tool to employ in the classroom, BrainPOP wins hands down … Primary Sources, Quizzes, Movies with Pause Points … it is a powerful, meaningful tool accessible to students [and] teachers."
Lisa DiGangi
Technology Coach
Evesham Township School District
" … rigorous activities at each level of the learning process build background knowledge, motivate deeper learning, and ensure knowledge growth."
Danielle Espinosa
Technology Instructional Coach
Wichita School District
Hear from educators how BrainPOP is transforming their classrooms

Apply literacy skills and demonstrate understanding through embedded formative assessments that mirror the types of questions on state standardized tests.
Grade-leveled quizzes