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BrainPOP x Federal Funding

Did you know that you can use federal funding to pay for BrainPOP? Explore how your subscription may qualify, so you can bring BrainPOP’s engaging, effective learning to your school or district.


Federal funding at-a-glance

Each BrainPOP product qualifies for more than one federal funding source. Get an overview, then download the BrainPOP Federal Funding Guide for more information.

Title I

Improved academic outcomes in low-income communities

Title II

Support for impactful professional development

Title III

Guide English Learners toward language proficiency and confidence

Title IV

Empower district administrators to build effective learning environments


Promotes academic growth for special education students

Perkins Grant

Strengthens Career and Technical Education

Grades 3-8

Grades K-3

Grades 6-8

All grades

Grades 3-8

Research-backed, evidence-based, and built for all students

BrainPOP is rooted in research to create an environment that’s engaging and effective for all students—with the validations and certifications to prove it.

Level 3 ESSA certification 2025
WIDA certification
Research based design ESSA Tier 4 product certification, issued by Digital Promise
Learner variability product certification, issued by Digital Promise

Find the funding that works for you

See how BrainPOP aligns to each funding source to understand how each might fit your school or district’s needs.

Funding Source

Funding Objective

How BrainPOP Aligns

Title I, Part A

Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs

Part A offers financial support to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and schools with a high proportion of children from low-income families.

BrainPOP (for grades 3-8) and BrainPOP Science use a research-based and evidence-based learning approach that’s validated at ESSA Level Tier III—promoting equitable access to high-quality education.

BrainPOP (3-8) boosts digital literacy and academic performance, in subjects across the curriculum, for all students.

  • Multimodal materials, differentiated activities, speed and language modifications, and flexible lessons make it accessible for all students in many instructional formats

Funding Source

Funding Objective

How BrainPOP Aligns

Title III, Part A

English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement

Part A details the permissible uses of the funds, which include language programs, professional development, materials and technology, and family/community engagement in language initiatives.

BrainPOP (3-8) offers:

  • Literacy skill-building for all students

  • Accessibility features—including an immersive reader, a multilingual movie player for Spanish or French, and movie transcripts.

  • Culturally authentic and relevant content

BrainPOP ELL and BrainPOP Español/Français offer content and tools designed to boost English proficiency and academic success among English Language Learners.

  • BrainPOP ELL assessments are aligned with WIDA Prime standards

Funding Source

Funding Objective

How BrainPOP Aligns

Funding Source

Funding Objective

How BrainPOP Aligns

Title IV, Part A

Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant

Part A allocates funding to guarantee that every student receives a well-rounded education, with particular emphasis on underrepresented groups. It aims to create optimal learning environments and ensure the effective use of technology to enhance academic performance and digital literacy.

BrainPOP’s well-rounded activities enhance academic performance and prepare students for future digital literacy

  • Holds ISTE and Digital Promise certifications

Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, BrainPOP ensures equitable learning opportunities for all students, particularly those in rural or remote areas.
Content accessibility in compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.1 standards

BrainPOP creates a rigorous, student-centered, 21st-century classroom environment that blends digital media and instructional technologies to promote higher-order thinking and creative skills for all students

  • BrainPOP (3-8): students use Creative Tools

  • BrainPOP Science: Examples include simulators, data manipulatives, and 3D worlds 

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Part B aims to foster academic enrichment outside of regular school hours and establish a dynamic, student-focused 21st-century classroom setting, specifically targeting children in high-poverty and/or underperforming schools.

Title IV, Part B

Funding Source

Funding Objective

How BrainPOP Aligns

IDEA, Part B

Funding for School-Age Children with Disabilities

Under Part B of IDEA, children and youth aged 3-21 are provided with special education and related services, which encompass Pre-K programs and support after graduation.

BrainPOP 3-8 and BrainPOP ELL

  • Provide high-quality content through multiple formats—including movies, interactive resources, and reading passages—to make learning accessible for different styles, levels of preparedness, and interests. 

BrainPOP (3-8)

  • Offers accessibility features to support learners facing diverse learning challenges

  • Aligns with IDEA requirements via the “Impact and Access for All” framework

  • Ensures content accessibility and compliance with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility

BrainPOP's Professional Learning Services

  • Offer modules and resources to ensure effective differentiation and personalized learning opportunities for every student.

Funding Source

Funding Objective

How BrainPOP Aligns

Perkins Grant

Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century

Perkins funds are to be used to develop, coordinate, or improve career and technical education programs to meet the needs identified in the comprehensive needs assessment.

BrainPOP (3-8) offers high-quality content that aligns with the CTE curriculum and extended learning opportunities.

Allows students to:

  • Discover and explore their interests

  • Develop College and Career Readiness skills 

  • Prepare themselves for real-world challenges

Funding Source

Funding Objective

How BrainPOP Aligns

Title II, Part A

Supporting Effective Instruction

Part A is dedicated to the recruitment and retention of high-quality teachers and principals to guarantee effective instruction.

BrainPOP supports professional development with in-person and online professional learning modules, as well as follow-up resources, to improve educators’…


  • Technological and instructional strategies

  • Teaching effectiveness

Bring BrainPOP's online teaching resources to your school or district!

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