Your favorite learning tool is a secret ingredient
to strengthening essential literacy skills.
The proof is in. Classrooms that consistently use BrainPOP assessments see significant improvement in literacy skills. That means whether students are learning about sentence structure, Bruce Lee, or the American Revolution, they’re strengthening these skills — at a time where it’s more important than ever.

Literacy skills aren’t built in a vacuum – they’re strengthened through building background knowledge and domain-specific vocabulary, and essential to success across the curriculum.

BrainPOP has been a reliable partner for educators in the classroom for over 20 years. We’ve worked together to make each challenge — including cross-curricular literacy — really count.

In these past 20+ years, we know your needs have changed. More than ever, educators need evidence-based edtech tools that complement their core curriculum, show impact, and drive outcomes.
With your needs in mind, we’ve built a new way to translate teachable moments into trackable outcomes.
Our new reporting enhancements for teachers and administrators are driven by student assessment data and show how time invested in BrainPOP strengthens literacy skills in every subject.


You’ve always known how much students’ faces light up at the mention of BrainPOP. Now you know they’re also building essential literacy skills with every movie and activity.

These reports are part of our promise to continue evolving alongside our school and district partners.
We’ll continue to collaborate with real educators, developing product enhancements that complement your instruction, rather than complicate it.
Our BrainPOP team is here with a special walk through of our teacher reports.