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Build writing into science seamlessly with Claim-Evidence-Reasoning

At the heart of BrainPOP Science is a scaffolded CER writing process to guide students as they collect data about scientific concepts, processes, and their own discoveries—all while strengthening critical-thinking skills.

Brain above a gif of a book flipping through the pages

Key benefits of integrating
CER writing with science

Middle school students learn how to:

Become informed citizens and prepare for future careers by writing with confidence.

Analyze, synthesize, and interpret data to construct well-reasoned arguments.

Absorb new content and concepts as they develop evidence-based claims.

Embedded CER processes guide students to make observations, construct claims, collect evidence, and demonstrate reasoning.

BrainPOP Science is proven to accelerate evidence-based writing and reasoning skills.

The embedded CER writing process in every science investigation kicks off with a relatable guiding question and guides students through BrainPOP 3D Worlds™, simulations, and data manipulatives while they:

Bring writing and science together with CER

Develop claims to answer the overarching guiding questions.

Collect observations that will become evidence to support their claim.

Tie it all together by writing up their reasoning with scientific principles.

Guiding Question: "How does CER support writing-to-learn in science instruction?”


Form one complete sentence

Use facts from the resources

Answer the Guiding Question

A strong claim should:

Draft a claim

Example: Students are supported with a built-in CER writing process while they analyze and interpret data, make evidence-based claims, and construct well-reasoned arguments—all while covering standards.

How to implement CER for writing in science


Good reasoning should:

Include scientific concepts and definitions

Connect your evidence to your claim

Draft your reasoning

Example: CER scaffolds writing into science investigations to help students analyze, evaluate, and synthesize scientific information. Critical thinking, communication, and writing skills are all strengthened while deepening understanding of scientific concepts.

Students learn to organize their thoughts, create coherent arguments, and develop a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.

GIF showing a student response for a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning draft. Students answer the Guiding Question and their observations throughout the investigation as evidence

Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) included: 

  • Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

  • Engaging in Argument
    from Evidence

  • Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Science and Engineering Practices steps ranging from Brainstorm, to Research, to Design, to Build and Test, and finishing with Evaluate

Writing standards are
covered including:

  • Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue and organize the reasons and evidence logically.

  • Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources.

Chart showing types of baseball pitches against time in seconds

Writing standards are
covered including:

  • Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

  • Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Rubric for Claim-Evidence-Reasoning response

Students learn how to collect and include data in writing persuasive scientific arguments.

3D Worlds Moby on a ship with the text direction "Look around and listen in to see the engineering design process in action!"

Describe something you read or observed

State facts (not opinions)

Support your claim

Good evidence should:


Select evidence

How do I support my students in selecting quality evidence from their observations that relate to the claim?

Encourage students to collect their observations throughout the entire investigation with prompts and writing scaffolds like this CER checklist with examples.




Review evidence

Gif showing Claim-Evidence-Reasoning draft

Students learn to organize their thoughts, create coherent arguments, and develop a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.

Science and Engineering Practices steps ranging from Brainstorm, to Research, to Design, to Build and Test, and finishing with Evaluate

Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) included: 

  • Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

  • Engaging in Argument
    from Evidence

  • Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Claims Evidence Reasoning rubric

Writing standards are
covered including:

  • Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

  • Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

How do I help my middle school science students understand the difference between evidence and reasoning?

BrainPOP Science investigations include teacher guides with exemplars to model how reasoning involves a rule or scientific principle that describes why the evidence supports the claim.



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How can I help students avoid common mistakes in CER including not providing enough evidence or not adequately explaining how the evidence supports their claim?

Provide ongoing feedback with opportunities for students to revise their writing. BrainPOP Science investigations include clickable CER rubrics with the option to include narrative feedback.



"The structure of the lessons enables students to be scientists and investigate phenomena using the format of CER to guide the learning. The lessons are filled with amazing visuals, engaging videos, relevant and interesting experiences, and strong instructional strategies where all students can see themselves in the content."

Deborah Betzer, Instructional Coach

Charleston County, SC

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